January 15th, 2024

I'm done with my base in Endfield. there's more I could do to optimize it but I'm not gonna. Tech test is gonna end in a few days anyway, not really a huge deal to have something unoptimal.

Otherwise a pretty nothing day, I got off to a slow start and spent most of the day with Endfield. I've also redownloaded MtG Online. I last played it, like, years ago, so my account is basically empty, but still. I'm considering if I wanna buy a deck or not tbh, I probably will at some point but I don't think right now. I might spend a decent amount of money tomorrow, as it's the Arknights global anniversary, but I might not. Idk if I want the 5 star auto-raise voucher. I do want the 6 star one but I might just leave it at that. Idk, even with an income I still feel so paranoid about spending money. Even just buying a drink or a snack after my shift makes me feel a little on-edge.